Moving Histories // Future Projections

20 January – 11 March 2018

Moving Histories // Future Projections brings together some of Australia’s leading female contemporary artists working across screen based media including Mikala Dwyer and Justene Williams, Amala Groom, Deborah Kelly, Kate Blackmore and Jacinta Tobin, Joan Ross, Soda_Jerk, Angelica Mesiti and Caroline Garcia.

Curated by Kelly Doley and Diana Smith of collaborative artist group, Barbara Cleveland, the exhibition explores invisible pasts, forgotten narratives and repressed memories, reminding us how history is fractured by race, class and gender.

A dLux MediaArts exhibition toured by Museums & Galleries of NSW




JOAN ROSS Colonial Grab 2014, digital animation, sound, 7.38 min. Animation and sound by Josh Raymond. Courtesy the artist and Michael Reid Gallery