inside/outside the gallery: contemporary artists from the Blue Mountains and the Central West
12 March – 24 April 2016
Curated by Modern Art Projects (MAP) in collaboration with the Blue Mountains City Art Gallery, MAPSPACE features a series of artworks at the nexus of art and architecture, created by contemporary artists residing in the Blue Mountains and the Central West. Collaborative installations, performances and sculptural works respond to a set of architectural props designed by MAP and investigate the synthesis of design, architecture and contemporary artistic practice.
Featuring artists: Vicky Browne, Sean Cordeiro & Claire Healy, Roger Foley-FOGG, Beata Geyer, Anne Graham, Billy Gruner, Sarah Keighery, Daniel Kojta, Ian Milliss, Sean O’Keeffe, Kevin J Wolfox Sheehan and Alex Wisser.
With performances by Alan Schacher and WeiZen Ho, Kevin J Sheehan and the final Collective Monochrome by Billy Gruner.
A Blue Mountains Cultural Centre exhibition curated by Modern Art Projects